How do I sync my friends iPod Touch on my iTunes?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
My friend asked me to put some songs from my iTunes onto her iPod Touch. I plugged it in, and went to "music" and clicked "sync music" and then a box came up telling me that if i synced it over my iTunes all of her stuff would be erased. How can I stop this and get some of my songs onto her iPod?
sometimes on the side right click the ipod name after plugging it in and press transfer purchases.. then make a folder with her songs then put whatever songs on there then press sync. when u give it back she can put your songs on hers no problem .
this is one of the flaws with itunes. You can only sync it with one computer. There is no way around it. You would have to get your friends itunes, copy all their songs(etc), and put it on ur itunes account. Thats the only way
you don't need to download anything at all, you just check off the box that says "manually manage music...." you get to this from plugging it in and when u click on the ipod pic there are boxes u can check off, it is one of them, but then u can't sync your whole library, you have to go back to music and manually drag things over to the ipod in the itunes menu, i wish you luck!
you don't need to download anything at all, you just check off the box that says "manually manage music...." you get to this from plugging it in and when u click on the ipod pic there are boxes u can check off, it is one of them, but then u can't sync your whole library, you have to go back to music and manually drag things over to the ipod in the itunes menu, i wish you luck!
you cant!!!!! Because its set with her computer with her settings. IF u do it then her ipod will have your settings so you cant have both setting on one ipod so her ipod is the same settings as her computer!!
you cant legally. but you can put all the songs she wants on a disk or pen drive then give it to her for her then to put it on her itunes and sync on ipod. that should work unless the music files are protected
you cant legally. but you can put all the songs she wants on a disk or pen drive then give it to her for her then to put it on her itunes and sync on ipod. that should work unless the music files are protected