how do i type the special symbols in French on a keyboard? like type


New member
Sep 20, 2011
''alt 164'' for ''ñ'' in Spanish,what? about special symbols in French?
i know how to type in my e-textbook, but outside my textbook i don't know how to type.
This is what I use on an English keyboard:

alt 128 = Ç
alt 130 = é
alt 131 = â
alt 132 = ä
alt 133 = à
alt 135 = ç
alt 136 = ê
alt 137 = ë
alt 138 = è
alt 139 = ï

alt 144 = É
alt 147 = ô
alt 148 = ö
alt 150 = û
CTRL+SHIFT+6+(vowel)= (vowel) with circumflex
CTRL+'+(vowel)= (vowel) with aigou
CTRL+`+(vowel)= (vowel) with grave
CTRL+SHIFT+;+(vowel)= (vowel) with the dual dot accent whose name I forget

That's mostly all you're going to have to know. Also, you can open Word, look in symbols, and then look up the hotkeys by selecting the symbol, but not inserting it.
Start menu>all programs>accessories>system tools>character map.

Open the character map and select the letter you want. At the bottom right corner it will tell you what key stroke to use. For example "é" is alt 0233.

On my home computer, I have the character map pinned to my task bar, although I have most of the ones I use often memorized.

The Word tools (as Zunden describes) don't always work outside of Word; I've seen some pretty strange stuff come up when I tried that. If you're only going to use MS Office, it should be fine, but when I've emailed something I composed in Word using those key combinations, I got gibberish. The ANSI codes are harder to memorize and to type, but they seem to work better across programs.