How do we get rid of unwanted "celebs" like paris hilton?


New member
Apr 4, 2008
I can't stand the sight of her. I think she's ugly and anorexic looking. I'm sorry paris. You might be a nice girl, but I'm just so fed up of you that I vow to never ever stay in a hotel with the name hilton on it. So people, what do we do so that people who've EARNED fame and fortune get what they deserve? How shallow are media personell, that all a woman has to do is dye her hair blonde and appear naked/have sex on the internet, then it's instant fame when the right person gets their hands on it? There are 2 words to describe people like that. One is media and the other starts with w and rhymes with bore. Disclamer: this question is not intended to offend any one group of people. It is merely a silly rant from someone who's not attracted to skinny blonde women.
Dont pay attention. The media thrives on the people that get attention. So if they dont get any attention, then they will eventually fall out of the media's eyes.
stop following them around like they're gods. treat them lkike what they are, retards.
we dont. it doesnt work like that. not in hollywood, not anywhere. except for when the government kill people off, but were not going to kill celebrities for being annoying.