How do we stop the harassment from my girlfriend's daughter's father?


May 30, 2008
Ok, so here is the scenario that we are in right now:

About two weeks ago my girlfriend and I had a large argument. Everything was verbal and there has never been any type of physical abuse in our household. I yelled a lot at her and she yelled a lot at me and some of it was overheard by her five year old daughter. We since have devised a plan to argue someplace where she won't overhear us next time this happens, if it does, but nevertheless, the damage was done.

She ended up going back over to her brother's apartment, after living at my house for two months, and said she was going to move back in there. It took us about two days to realize that it was wrong and we need each other. During this time period, her daughter had gone to her father's house for the weekend. Come Sunday we were back together and it was time to pick up her daughter. When we called to pick her up apparently she was crying about coming back over here because she was worried about hearing us argue again. This in turn triggered her daughter's father to call protective services and they called and said that my girlfriend and her daughter couldn't stay at my house anymore until they come do an investigation! They said someone had called claiming that she was being placed in a "violent household"!

Well, that in my opinion is where the harassment starts. See her daughter's father has two other kids with his new girlfriend and they just got them taken away from them last weekend because they had too many complaints and were deemed to have a "stressful household". He thinks that we were the ones who kept calling protective services and so I'm sure that he was just trying to get revenge, although it wasn't us that was making the complaints.

During the next week the protective services people came out and told us that the household was completely fine and did an investigation. They found the household to be fine and talked to us a little bit about arguing with each other in front of a child.

Today, a week later, we get a call from my girlfriend's brother who said that my girlfriend's daughter's father just called and said that he is looking for us everywhere because her daughter isn't supposed to be over at our house and the police are trying to find us. The truth was that he never called her phone or even tried to talk to us. He is just trying to instigate problems her family now too. This whole situation has made me look like I'm beating my girlfriend's daughter or something and now I'm sure her whole family thinks of me as a complete jerk.

As far as I'm concerned, he is completely harassing us. He will continue to do these things to us and keep calling protective services for minor reasons and continue to keep getting into our business. He shouldn't be a part of our lives between the drop off and pick up of her daughter and he has completely destroyed our little family over the last two weeks. These people are low class, unemployed people who haven't had a job in over two years now. Her daughter's father is a felon. They live from state checks and food/home benefits from the government. The live in a dangerous area of a nearby bigger city. My girlfriend and I are middle class working citizens. We own a home and keep up with our bills while providing a clean, and loving, household for her daughter. We tired of these low class games and want to know what can be done to stop this harassment? We can't take much more of him and are at a stand still trying to figure out what to do. Legally, he can't continue to harass us in this way, can he?

Thanks in advance!