How do you feel about the United States?


Being that I am an American living in Japan, I find myself at odds with what people think about my country. Beyond, the sound of our perfect accents that seem to annoy lesser countries , and the banner of freedom - we are so free we don't really know what freedom means - most of the negative aspects you hear about America are well... is only a description of the republican party.

P.S. Shadow of Evil if you are going to say something about people having low IQ's you might want to run spell check first.
Sorry, but could you explain the ‘wife beater’ analogy?

Hasn’t anyone else’s mother told them time and again not to worry what other people think about them?

You actually read the newspapers? Please tell me that’s not your only source of information.

Who have we ‘forced’ to democratize?

Some Americans may behave like raging baboons when they travel abroad, but that’s a generalized stereotype. This could be said of travelers abroad from any country.

Hershey’s is too sugary. Cadbury is better. Made with cocoa butter.
It's funny that you say that, because most English chocolate (like Cadbury's) is actually very high in sugar-to-cocoa content compared with those from countries which actually know how to make chocolate, like Belgium and Switzerland.

But you're right - it's better than the awful American stuff.
Let's go to school shall we?
Why did "governements" come about? What is their purpose? To protect the citizenry. It really is that simple. The "wife beater" analogy I use is to illustrate how our government "beats" on the citzens (those of us that have elected them) and yet, when in view of the rest of the world, our government attempts to come off as caring. Loving! Protecting!

Yes I read the newspapers, the internet websites, and periodicals. Helps me when I have to discuss things in a competent manner. And yes, I tend to look at both sides of an issue before making my own conclusions.

I chose my words carefully. I did not say we have forced any nation to democratize. I did say that we have used our military to force countries to toe a democratic line. IE: the Shah of Iran, North Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq. Do our ambassadors not listen to what countries want? Is it the job of the U.S. to go around playing Liberator to other countries because the U.S. believes X country is bad and Z regime has got to go? I say no. I say we can support the citizens of X country and help them stand up to Z regime, but it is not always our place to do either. We tried Detante prior to WW2 and failed miserably, we have tried to use military muscle to achive "democratic ideals" in other countries and taken it on the chin. If 9/11 has shown us anything, it has shown us that the U.S. has little understanding of the rest of the world and the citizens within various countries. Our government just sees "oppression of freedom" and marches off from there.

****Remember now, I said there is no other country that I would rather be in. I have not traveled the world. I have not left the U.S. period. I think our government needs to focus it's attention on what it's citizens want and need. While doing that, the government should listen to the citizens of other countries and really try to hear what they are saying. Sometimes, even though we mean well, the citizens of a country do not want us there.
I guess everything in this thread should be taken with a pinch of salt!

My own opinion though. Learn to vote!!! Sometimes, you can really mess it all up, and who knows, a pretty useless President might get elected....but thats hypothetical

Oh, and, revise your foreign policy. We don't want any big bad bullies in the world....
What the men of the country want is a 6 pack of beer and a box of condoms. What the women want is money and a pretty dress.
Maybe the U.S.A. could instead of war fund a huge Bash for the people, imagine how much beer a billion US dollars would buy.
Haven't made up my mind yet Yohan but he is a possibility.

Rjhartu, I don't drink and I have been married for 15 years. Not sure I need either beer or condoms. What I do need is for our government to focus more on the people that elected them and less on filling their own pockets. I find it totally laughable that we hear how low Bush's approval rating is and yet we hear very little about congress's approval rating being a full 10 points lower. After all, in our form of government, the President can not pass legislation without the approval of Congress and Congress can't pass legislation without the approval of the President. Seems the Congress and the President (Republican or Democrat) spend all their time biting each other rather then working to better things.
It was a joke!

The main problem is not the government, but the people that vote or don't vote, basically anyone that doesn't demand change. But, the majority of Americans ( probably the majority of the people world wide that vote or whatever) fail to vote for people for the right reasons.

Your average human being is well not bright nor dim witted. But, the average human being thinks they are more or less than what they are, to dumb to know when they don't have a clue, and too lazy to get one.

The problem is not the government, its the people. The average american has no passion, and is too lazy.

But, here is the basic problem with america.
I took it as joke, no worries!

Too true. Too many groups in the states scream "Accept us" while at the same time demanding that others conform to their beliefs. Grrrrrrr!
I find it really difficult to think of American people as being actual, functioning, thinking human beings. After Scientology, the ATA and the Grand Celestial Do.

I mean seriously, when you learned about these things I bet the first thing that came to your head was "Only in America."
Ive never been to America and ive only ever met a handful of Americans for the smallest of time.

So until i do go to the states or meet some Yanks to get to know i have no real opinion.

...but of the ones i met when i was in Glen Nevis im left with the opinion that Americans are dumb asses!! i got talking to one guy and he said to me;

"Hey maaaaaaaan! Im John, im from Texas, are you from Scotland?"

I said "hi john, nahh, im from England" to which he said "Ohhh England, is that in France?"

Im not a Bush fan, but then again im not a Blair fan either.
Lots of Americans base their voting decisions on what the politician "says" he's going to do, instead of actually looking at what he already did.

1. Electing G.W.Bush knowing that his father was a president who got U.S. into war with Iraq first = Retarded.
2. Electing him again for 2nd term knowing that he screwed up already = SuperRetarded
OK, but you're in the country that gave us Princess Diana, bread pudding, and Culture Club, and where Edmund Spenser has about the same status that Jerry Lewis has in France. Who's lame now, Limey?
Scientology, always worth a laugh or two. Of course the nice thing in America is that you can make fun of Scientology without worrying about being sued for libel.

"ATA" and "the Grand Celestial Do"? These don't ring a bell, what are they?