How do you get published?


May 22, 2008
I'm 12 and I write fantasy/sc-fi. I'm wondering if there are any publishing companies that actually accept people my age. I've searched nearly everywhere, and they're usually 13+ / 14+. I don't write short stories. Just series and those types of books. Thanks in advance.
I didn't realise many or any agents were age focused. Maybe just send them to agents without mentioning your age and see what they say.
Publishers don't usually publish writers who are so young, simply because there's a lack of experience, which means the writing isn't as high quality as a writer who is older, and has been writing seriously for several years. The average age of getting published is around 30-35 for a reason: the writer has had sufficient time to hone their craft and techniques and style.

Publishers and agents read hundreds of stories, and they do it for a living... they can tell the difference between someone who's been writing for years and someone who is still an amateur.