How Do You Have A Relationship With God/Jesus?

Many sinful people say many things but they have never been cleansed from their filthiness.How the heck can anyone have a relationship with God with sin in their hearts....its impossible!!!! Even in the OT sacrificial system, no one could come before God except the high priest and that only once a year after he had fulfilled certain rituals not leaving anything out. But today people call themselves Christians and believe in God blindly saying many absurd things.No sinner can have a relationship with God....a biblical fact!!! Only those who have become truly born again by the water and the Spirit (John 3:5), have been made righteous, and only these righteous children of God have this relationship by faith, for God said, 'blessed are those who have not seen but have believed.'
How to have a relationship with God.Love and seek the truth.Receive a gift from God called faith.Then comes revelation.Your on your way to a personal relationship with the living God.
A good question. Jesus made us a promise 'to be with us always until the end of time' the prayer life of a person grows after time to a point where you can interpret his will. The more we understand who Jesus is, the more we understand what his will is and what will please him the most. Grace is the all important factor in knowing God, the Apostolic succession ensures the essence of Jesus is present in the Eucharist and taking the body and blood of Jesus gives us wisdom and understanding to know Him.
The “personal relationship” believers talk about when referring to God is something which cannot be shared because so much of it is based on that person’s thoughts and mostly their emotions as they navigate through life.“Each mind is a world onto its own” and you know this already to some extent, but you will encounter difficulties as you try to draw analogous references between “relationships” in the physical-emotional and the spiritual-emotional realm.This is like trying to describe dryness with water as a reference to someone who has never experienced it.Not to say that they aren’t valid, just not universal in the one sense.The rise of so many individual, “personal” spiritual relationships on a broad scale is a later 20th century phenomenon as a reaction to the string of scandals within religious communities.Most religious people have shunned the term “religious” and replaced it with “personal relationship” in attempts to distance themselves from organized bureaucratic systems while retaining some sense of “divine” order in their lives.This is due to individual alienation which continues to rise as society continue to become more and more fragmented and bifurcated with specialization and so forth.I strongly suspect that eventually all religious—I mean “spiritual” people’s “spirituality” will become so similar in subjective terms that they will become indistinguishable from one another and some type of universal or world religion will arise.
Well you have to cultivate a relationship with God. You can have a REAL relationship with someone whom you don't even know. Moreover how can you call someone a friend if you don't even know their personal name? Many people claim to have a relationship with God, but don't use his personal name - Jehovah. (Psalms 83:18) You have to learn about his personality in the bible, which impies reading it personally, and from humbly obversing his creations (Rom. 1:20) Prayer is also essential. You also cultivate that relationship by closely following the example of his son Jesus Christ who set the example for us to follow. It also takes humility and meekness, one can not be overly proud or haughty and expect to find divine favor. One also has to find the 1 true religion, and not just accept the saying that: "all roads leads to God". Because that is NOT what Jesus taught, to the contrary he taught that there are only 2 roads, one that leads to life, and one that leads to destruction. It is up to us to personally search the bible and compare religion to see which one is proving itself as following the example of Jesus, because being involved in true worship is also a vital element in having a relationship with God.