how do you talk to a suicidal person when you, once in a wile, yourself are?


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I have a "friend" who I in actuality don;t like to talk to. she has P.T.S.D. from something that happened in high school. she calls me ever so often to talk to someone who 'cares about her' or something like that. at times she has said that I was the last call and if I did not pic up she was thinking of killing herself.
hers were it gets interesting. one of the reasons she talks to 'me' is because I have a history of low to high level depression so I know whats she's going through. this means that more then once I was myself suicidal wile trying to talk her out of it. you can see my problem.
some details. I am getting treatment for my problems, but there having trouble pinning it down. she has been in a Pyc-ward at the local hospital, and when she left she almost instintlty went back.
another problem is she is a massive downer to talk to. I am bad enough without madam Petty party.