How do you transfer apps from an Ipad to an android smart phone?


Jun 3, 2008
I've had an Ipad for a couple years now and I have bought some apps through Apple, such as Plants vs. Zombies. Since I've already paid for these products once, when I got my android smart phone, I assumed I would be able to transfer these products to my phone... can someone tell me how to do this if its even possible? I'm not very tech savvy, but I understand that there might by a conflict between the two different software, but I feel like there should be a way since I have already bought the apps once. I have hooked both of the devices to my computer (which is a Dell btw) and have tried to manually transfer the apps to my phone, but I don't see anything other than the various libraries in my Itunes folder. I have tried to find a solution online, but most of what I see is things like calendar and contact backup through Google and not the differences between apple and the play-store.

If this is needed at all I think my Ipad is either 1 or 2 (def not 3) and my phone is an LG Lucid.

You can't. You'd just have to end up buying new apps. Im sorry to let you know that you can't do this.