How do you vent your frustrations? your anger?


May 12, 2008
Have you ever broken something as a result of it?
I have. Not exactly proud of that fact. But sometimes it has
felt good. It relieved me of the negative that I was feeling.
I'm an extremely irate human. I fight against whom ever is making mad sometimes to the point of violence. Some times I lock myself away and scream for hours on end. Other times I slam the door until it almost falls off the hinges. I have a very short fuse but it's my personality
the Footloose way...with interpretive dance and gymnastics!

How dare you, you didn't even watch the link
neglect it usually. i am going through a rough time right now actually and neglect seems to be the only remedy.
I yell, throw things, cry........once I threw a quesadilla at a wall LOL.

I'm not proud of it either. It's like it just builds up over time and something tips me over the edge and I explode. It's rare though.
bang on my piano, yell at my brother, ahaha. uhmm i dont think i have broken anything. but i did throw a book at the ceiling fan once.