How hot is hot for you and your fish?


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Im sitting around 94 farenheight and its 6:25 pm. My tanks are 90. So how hot is hot for you? and then your fish?

Im in Australia by the way
This Q is directed at personally YOU. Its a question but not based on my fish, on YOURS.
I have three tanks. The one that doesnt house just a single betta is 150litres (40 gal) and is a Angelfish community. Has neons, bristnose catfish khuli loaches two live bearers and a few corys. Good combo in my eyes (neons are ok so far..).
Im exhausted tring to keep the tank below 90 and a chiller is WAY to expensive at current. So 90 it is...
lol i get it now..whoops