How important is music to you?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Some people listen to music with friends or when they're bored, and other people can't even function without it.

How important is your music to you? jw

Merry Christmas =]
i am one of those ppl who cant function correctly w/o it!! i would go insane..i have the radio on 24/7 cuz i feel like my brain just shuts off when there is no music at all..thats probably why i fail almost all my tests at skool..
i wouldn't say 'music is my life'

but i love it!

without it i can say i would be very bored

listening to good music can cheer me up in a matter of minutes

(i like all music..except rap and hip hop which just makes me depressed for some reason)
i cant stand silence...
wether it be me jammen with my guitar, piano, drums, or my bass im always playing or listening to my music... when im in school im tappin beats with my pencil or sneakin my ipod through my jacket sleeves... when im in the car i have the sterio blairing... at home if my neighbors dont mind ill bring my band over and well jam for hours... at parties im never found without my guitar....
music is simply my LIFE, SOUL, and my EVERYTHING
music is my life i'd rather be dead then
without music
your fav songs is the soundtrack to your life

i listen to it always in the car and it makes me feel calm and relax so yeah i would say music is pretty important to me

8 out of 10
it's important because it really sets my mood, meaning it puts me in a better mood. i love to listen to it when i'm cleaning, hanging out with friends, and getting ready for a night on the town! but my most favorite is dancin to it, and it's great exercise.