How is it that Jesus was born sinless? Christians only please.?


New member
Feb 11, 2013
From the scriptures we understand that sin was passed to all from Adam. Now while Jesus was born of a virgin, He still had a human mother. Are we to assume that no part of Mary was used ( apart from her womb) to produce Jesus? Surely if he had been made from Mary's sinful human flesh then he would not be spotless without original sin. I have some answers from scripture, but I'm interested in gaining more insight through knowledgeable brothers and sisters.
@Dawñ: No she wasn't the child of the Holy Ghost. Jesus was. She was a descendant of Adam. She was a sinner like everyone else. She admits to that herself.
The way I figure it is if the Holy Spirit could figure out how to re-create Jesus as a fetus then He certainly could figure out how to keep Jesus free of Mary's sin.:applause:
The prophets stated that he Messiah would come from the family of David.
Both Mary and Joseph came from David's line.
Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit we are told.
Only the sperm carries life as it wiggles up to meet with the egg it fertilizes.
God, in a miracle, cause life to come from Mary's womb.
Therefore, God, who is sinless, reproduced himself in Mary who bore Jesus, sinless from birth and continued to be sinless and did not carry a sinful nature as you and I do.
Catholics solve this problem by saying Mary was also conceived without sin. Protestants generally suggest that the nature of the child to be born is itself sufficient to explain Christ's sinlessness.
Yes He is a son of God so everything is possible with Him. He never thought lustfully toward women. He wasn't lazy. He didn't steal etc etc.