How late is late?


Apr 9, 2008
Researchers have finally decided how late is late and it's.... 10 minutes, 17 seconds

That is the lateness threshold at which people feel it necessary to telephone and admit they are going to be late.

During that time, 12 babies will be born in England and Wales, there will be eight road accidents, 3,804 people will board an airplane and 590 million e-mails will be sent worldwide.

However, about 10% of us would not consider calling until at least 30 minutes beyond the "agreed appointment time", says the study, by motorists' website

More than 80% of people in their 50's claim they are never late for anything because they are gripped by "bus fuss" - the anxiety about being late for crucial events. I'm getting there

But almost 70% of young women believe it is "acceptable, if not fashionable" to be late on a first date because it makes them feel "less desperate".

On one subject, both men and women agree ... they "wouldn't care" if they were late for their mother-in-law's birthday party.--Ananova
really???well the answer to the ultimate question of the universe is...............42
Nope the answer is 39.

I have an "ish" policy. As in "I'll be there at noonish", and ish is 3-5 minutes.
I thought it was 36... well that's what i wrote on all the questions i didn't know how to answer on my maths exam

anyway, i dont understand why people call 30mins after the time they were supposed to arrive, if you're goin out somewhere and the transport isn't workin then you should call str8 away and say that you'll be late, that atleast lets the person you are goin to see know and he/she can also take their time gettin there.

Damn women, get over yourselves
At which point she arrives alone and leaves alone buying her own meal, and she can find herself some spineless schmuck that will put up with that rudeness.
Personally i think that on time is late. It shows a lack of respect, if you make an arrangement, you should legislate for any delay that may occur in order to make sure that you arrive early, not on time!

There are a few acceptible reasons to be late, so you dont appear desperate aint one of em!
If I'm going to be late for anything but work, I don't usually go. I hate to be late for anything....
OK, maybe I'm Obsessive Boy, but if I'm supposed to be somewhere at 10 and I know I'm running late, phone call! Especially if it's a date. I don't wait until 10:10:17 to call, cuz most people I know aren't gonna wait that long, especially on a first date. Or the judges in Lancaster County. NEVER show up late without a phone call...

Your dates obviously don't have much hope for you......The girls would wait 10 days and 17 hours for me!!!


Usually being late isn't too much of a problem... I just use my super-secret ninja abilities, thump them on the head like a caveman and drag them off But yes, desperation doesn't only breed necessity, it breeds punctuality!