How many Godparents do you have?

one lady
and two gentlemen

the 2 god fathers, i know very well - one of them is my one-time bestfriend's dad; the other is a close family friend
the lady, i vaguely know her though

My godfather runs a fishing tackle shop in Lerwick and looks like a Viking. My godmother is his wife. University friends of my parents.
Two I think. Maybe just the one godfather. But I think he's dead now. If I have a godmother, I have no idea who she is. Can't say I knew my godfather either. My family isn't remotely religious anyway, but for some reason I was christened.
I haven't been christened, haven't got a clue who my god parents are/was(don't need them now), i doubt it was ever organised.
I thought it was normal to have three...

As I'm female I have two godmothers and one godfather. My godmothers are an old friend of my mum's and my dad's cousin, and my godfather is an uncle.
I have two, one male, one female, although couldn't tell you there names, havent seen either of them since i was about 5...
None, I wasn't Christened even though I am now a Christian, my parents aren't. My parents are godparents to my cousin though :)
I have 2 Godmothers and one Godfather, out of the 3 I am mostly close with one of my Godmothers as the other one lives abroad.
And my Godfather is my cousins dad. But I call him Uncle although he isn't related to me by blood.

2 I think! God I always knew this til I had to think about it!? My granny is godmother and my dad's cousin is my godfather. My dad is his daughter's godfather as well. My best friend :) What's the idea behind it anyway? I always thought it was kind of so they'd look after you if your parents died or something..
I don't know mine. They (a married couple) could have departed from this world for all I know. Oh well...
I've got 4, not really sure which aunties and uncles they are but I know i've got two pairs :)