How many people that complain about Obama actually asked questions for the


New member
Jul 23, 2008
virtual town hall meeting? If not, wouldn't you rather act and try to fix things and get answers than complain?
Sean: He cares only about himself huh? Well, that is interesting concidering the fact that the new tax increases for the upper class have created a lot of hatred toward him from the upper class, as he knew it would. The upper class have a lot of pull in society, but he didn't care, even though the tax increases will affect him too. Tell me please how he only thinks of himself?
So I guess what I'm hearing is that they would rather sit back and point fingers when they were given a chance to be heard. I can guarantee that if GB had done something similar these people would be drooling at the thought of being "heard" by him.
He's trying to make himself out as a caring American, we know that's not true.
He's not American or caring, unless you considering caring about just oneself caring.

What has he done for you lately? Do you actually think he'll ever do anything for you?
the virtual town hall was a complete joke to placate people into feeling 'heard'. It was schmooze, not substance.
the virtual town hall was a complete joke to placate people into feeling 'heard'. It was schmooze, not substance.
the virtual town hall was a complete joke to placate people into feeling 'heard'. It was schmooze, not substance.
He's already answered all my questions...I just didn't like the answers or found out later he was blatantly lieing.
I didn't hear about it until after it happened. If you look at the popularity of the president, the size of the US, and the remarkably small number of participants and questions in the town hall meeting, you start to wonder if it was real.