How many people that see this smoke weed or draw?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
do you smoke weed or draw or neither?? which do you prefer and are you a social smoker or just blast it 24/7??
by draw i mean resin the brown block you get
i like to smoke weed and do carpentry on my house. i think it is fun with the rock blasting, and i get a lot of work done. i am not good at drawing, so i don't do it, but in my case, weed brings out my creativity. i also like to smoke to unwind every evening.
i smoke prolly about 4 times a day...sooo i blast 24/7, but ive been traing for mma for 3 years now and am not fat at all thank you very much...drawing? ehh i dont like the headaches it gives you if it wasnt good weed, but if its a rainy day ( i have no green) ill scrape and draw