How messed up can you be?

People who commit suicide are selfish assholes. Not to mention, I think the ones that do it because they "don't get enough attention" are the best because the reason they did it was to get attention, yet they're dead now so they won't know.
tell her she can give it to me, and bake me cookies too
and to not worry, because i wont boom-headshot myself like her son
No selfish people are the ones that do it in their you want someone to walk in and see than, clean it up, find your blood 5 years later when they pull up carpet.

i lol'd. probably not e=ve[n [funny but everything's funny when you're high :tup:
Actually suicide is very common during the holidays, the stress, depresion of maybe being dissapointed from something can get to people.
What a fucking retard. He killed himself, no matter how bad his fucking life was, he could have fixed it. Instead, he chose to never think, hear, see, feel, or have anything like that ever again. He has made many people extremely sad, and may, because of that, cause someone else to commit suicide. I have no remorse or mourning for him. He's a selfish peice of shit who deserves to die.
I'm actually quite fond of the idea.

It just weeds out one more idiotic mother fucker that I no longer have to deal with.

lol. First time ive actually laughed out loud over something in st. a nerd.