How metrosexual am I?


Active member
May 14, 2008
Two of my female friends were debating how much of a metrosexual. I told them I would settle it on here.

Here are some details:

Hair- I have light brown/dark blonde hair which I get lots of highlights in regularly. I go for the messy, but under control look with it being a naturally little curly in the front. I use four types of product on it daily - moisturizer, mousse, and matte paste.

Face - I wash it several times a day and keep it clean shaved. I occasionally use concealer and powder if I have redness. I always use lip balm.

Body - I shower twice a day and keep my body hair mostly trim or shaved. My last girlfriend got me addicted to self man/pedicures without any polish. I am thin build with little muscle.

Clothes - I dress nice all the time. I shop at places like Banana Republic, JCrew, Express, Gap, and Macys. Nice pants, nice shirt/sweater, decent shoes are essential.

I adore women and love to hang out, protect, and want to marry one so I can pamper and be a total romantic to her.

What else can I do to work on my appearance?
You sound like you would be prettier than you girlfriend. That's a good thing in my eyes, I am very metro myself. I like to wear foundation and stuff like that and the powder is necessary because it keeps you from looking shiny. Keep up the good work, maybe get a facial from time to time, it's good for ya!