how much do women gossip?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Do women gossip to more to people they dont know or just face book friends
? It wouldn't be juicy if you said it to strangers--you have to KNOW the person for it to be "gossip".

I think men "gossip" just as much as women, they just call it "shooting the shyte".
Are you people so scared of sounding sexist, your just saying oh yeah men and women 50/50 that's bullsh*T it sounds nice though. Men and women both DO gossip, but women gossip far more. Why do I think that is? It's not acceptable for women to beat the crap out of each other socially. Boys gossip as much as girls like in elementary school, then some guy hears about it, steps up to you and asks if your talking sh*T and punches your teeth down your throat, after that you stop gossiping. That happens very rarely with women, hence there is no reciprocation to them being gossipy or catty, so they continue to do so more then men.