How much is 16mg or nicotine?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'm making a speech to inform or the Smoking Everywhere Electronic Cigarettes

they hav 4 levels of nicotine for the cartridges
high 16mg
med 11mg
low 6mg
and none 0mg

but how much is 16mg of nicotine?

How much could you say is in a regular cigarette?

This is of course a speech to inform and it would be bad not to explain what those levels really mean

thanks in advance!
I am not looking to buy these
I am giving a speech on them

sorry for the typo in the title
How much is 16mg OF nicotine
if you getting an electronic cigarette... the answer is not enough... electronich cigs are fun... i have one.. and they do work, but they don't work as well as real cigs. if your looking for a buzz get the higest possible concentration. and again even that doesn't compare..

BUT the upside is that you won't kill yourself smoking anymore which is why i am ALL for e-cigs..

real cigs are tiny little murderers...
American cigarettes contain about 9 mg of nicotine, but because much of the nicotine is burned off, a smoker gets about 1 mg of nicotine in every cigarette.