How much money can you take out of SA?


New member
Mar 9, 2008
What is the max. amount of money you can take out of SA? Either through Emigration or on vacation? What if you inherit money?
I think you can do a one-off investment overseas of R2million, but you have to have a tax clearance certificate first.
Just pack your South African rands in a suitcase and take it with you. I found that it was easy to exchange it in most foreign countries without any questions asked.
The key word missing is LEGAL - Just dont put it in your suit case (sorry Darth) - as not even a R100 camera is safe in there with our WONDERFUL airport staff...Nothing has changed by the way - after the big take over of the airport baggage - the NEW guys are just smarter - they know how to push the CCTV camera's lens towards the wall - and NOBODY notices... quite ingenious isn't it?
You dont say for sure if you are just trying to travel with cash. With a combination of bank transfers, as much cash as you can carry on your person and even goods to sell on later, the limit is huge. How much money do you want to move? Anything is possible. If you have enough, buy yourself a private plane and sell it on when you get where you want to be.
It depends on the purpose. There are all sorts of rules and regulations with many ifs and buts.Try these links