how much money you have in your bank account/wallet?

$190 in wallet
like $450 or so in checking
around $700 or so in savings

i just bought a car. :evilgrin:
2$ in my wallet, 500$ in the bank.Used to be a little over 1000$, but I invested 1/2 (Before the economy sucked dick)
0 in wallet
like 10 in checking
.87 in savings
1000 in a CD
and 20000 from mommy and daddy for college
Wallet - $85
Checking - $974
Savings - $6540 (can't touch till I'm 21)
Bonds - $3500 (can't touch till I'm 18)

Pretty good if you ask me.
400 that my dad won't let me have..

0 in hand, and I owe like 200 to my football program right now, plus I need new shoulder pads and gloves.
$80ish wallet
$1000ish checking (for spending)
$10,000ish savings (barely will pay for my first year of room and board in college! .... fuck college)
5 in savings, which is the minimum, i never putmoney in there.
16.75 in checking
10 in my wallet.

I had to take all my moniez to buy a guitar and lessons