How the heck did Judaism become so popular?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
They've got all of those crazy rules and there's not even a New Testament that tells them they can just ignore them.

If someone asked if I wanted to join a club that required me to cut off part of my penis and not eat any bacon I'd think they were crazy.


also Christians ..and Muslims.. to ..and its one of the Religion of Abraham..
Judaism is a greate religion because

You don;'t have to put your mind "on hold" to be a can study and think hard about everything you want, there are no taboos.

You can have a broad social consicence and help others -- without regard to their faith or lack of faith and without converting them as your aim.

You can have a great family and love whoever you decide to love. Gay, straight, with or without children. No pressure, no hassles..

And you can be honest about your doubts about God. Heck you don't ever have to even talk about it.

WHat other religion and culture let's you be honest and generous to all, live in a loving family and accept everyone just as they are.

(except maybe Nazi dickheads. after all, even moderation has limits.)