How to avoid shaking hands and kissing on the cheeck when greeted... ?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I frequently visit my husband's family (and there's a lot of them). The way they greet is by shaking hands and then kissing on the cheek. I'm not much of a touchy feely person, I just like to say "Hi, how are you" and leave it at that. To add to the problem they live in a small coastal town and are always handling fish, shrimp, and other seafood and they hands are often wet or reek of raw fish smell and it quite disgusts me because it makes my hands smell horrible (I'm not a fish person either) and I can't run to the bathroom after I greet every one of them to wash my hands (like I feel like doing), and it leaves me with this gross feeling. It's a culture thing and I'm sure they're going to think I'm rude if I don't do it their way but it really bothers me. What can I do (other than not seeing them).
Their hands are wet because they are serious ALWAYS handling seafood and cooking.
you're a guest, and guests should always be adaptable. just join them on their customs.
I sympathize, I'm not touchy feely either and in fact, I dislike being touched at all, however, in certain situations one must forego one's natural instincts and shake hands, do the cheek thing then excuse yourself as soon as you can and wash up. I was like that as a child also and it was much worse then as I was subjected to anyone and everyone handling and kissing me, ugh. I am at a loss to understand how their hands are wet though, surely they wash their hands and dry them. Keep some hand sanitizer handy and visible and hopefully they'll use some. Baking soda gets rid of fish smell, hint hint.
I don't understand. You say you visit frequently - what have you BEEN doing in the past???? By this time, if you have not responded in kind, they should already know how you respond to their greeting. You might need to lighten up a bit and get over the 'touchy-feely' issues that you have. These are your husband's people -hug them and air kiss them and go on.
Uhh, you could try yawning real big to where you close your eyes and pretend you dont see them, or just give em a hug, umm, you could also try telling them or your husband how you feel :]
You might be surprised how ur results will come out