How to beat Allies in magic?


May 13, 2008
So there is this guy in my school that has an ally deck that seems almost unbeatable. I beat it once but that was using a Jund proxy deck. (Which is a copy of the same deck that used to dominate standard) Here's the breakdown:

All of his creatures cost 2 or less. He has Kazandu blademaster, Hada freeblade, Ondu cleric, soul warden, (4 of each) and Auriok champion. Usually he starts turn 1 playing a Hada or a soul warden. Turn 2 he plays Kazandu, and turn 3 he usually plays 2 more allies and charges me with a 4/4 Kazandu and usually a 4/5 Hada. After that his creatures usually only get bigger.

As for other spells, they are mostly removal. He runs 4 Oblivion Rings, 4 Journey to Nowheres, 4 Swords to plowshares, and 4 unmakes. With these, even if I do manage to get out something to stop his creatures, he usually just removes it.

He also has this one land that has (1W Tap: Prevent all damage from a single source this turn) which shuts down any surprise attacks and a Leyline of Sanctuary.

I can't find a weakness to this deck. There is no flyer defense, but he will usually just remove any flyers I play. I suppose super card advantage decks like Jund (Which is the only deck that has beaten him so far) might beat him, but even then it's still tough. Agro doesn't work because he has some life-gain, plus his Kazandu stops any Ball Lightning-esque cards in their tracks. The deck has a big enough early-game presence to stop any early-game rushes, has tons of staying power, (More than most others) has removal to stop creatures, and has life gain + leyline of sanctity to stop assaults on him directly.

Any ideas?