How to cook a beef tongue?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Do i need to clean it first or then cook it?...or can i cook it first and then clean it?and for how many hours should i let it cook for?
why do you need to clean it?..what if i already started cooking it well its my first time and i didnt know until after can i do it once its cooked?
How do you know when its ready?
First, you wash the tongue.

Next, you need to simmer the beef tongue for a couple hours to cook thoroughly.

I suggest simmering in a pot full of water with a mirepoix (onion, celery, carrots), garlic, salt and a bay leaf, as if you were making a stew.

After the tongue is cooked, you'll see tongue has a white coating. Peel that off and trim off the fatty bits and you're ready to eat.
Clean it with water!
Get a pan thats lyk for soup!
Fill with water till its almost full but not over filled
put 1 whole garlic head (not peeled)
put tonuge till it boils lower the heat cover!
Wen you get kinda like bubbley on the top remove it with spoon
keepin low heat till soft just poke with knife !
Trusst me it'll be bomb!!! Maybe like in 3.5 to 4 hrs !
My mom boils it in plain boiling water for a couple of hours, then peels it while hot, slices it and cooks it with recipe.

I don't see why you shouldn't be able to clean it after... just wash off the surface and peel!
Good luck!