how to deal with mums new bf?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
my mum has never brought a man back since her divorce almost 10 years ago. Im happy that she has found someone and he is really nice but she acts like a total slut/bitch/12 years old around him. The other day i had a massive fight with my bf so she said she would talk to me but she brought her bf home and never talked to me and she knows im depressed and suicidal, but last night she told me not to come home coz her bf had a bad day si they needed to talk. She has always been a great mother and i want her to be happy but its been 4 months now she should get over acting like a teenager.

Also (sorry this is so long) i talked to my bfs dad and he said that i could live with them until me and my bf had ebough money to move out on our own. I cant stand to be home with my mum anymore.

Im 18 if that helps