How to deal with popular girls and gossip?


May 13, 2008
So I have a friend. When we met at the start of the year, she was nice and liked me. She was popular. Now she turn into a more b*sdkf person who gossips around about me. I can tell because I've heard her whispering about me to other girls and she'd shut up as soon i was was near. i could swear that i heard my name cross her lips at least three times, if not more. Idk if she likes me anymore as i friend, but she's said some pretty mean stuff recently, and won't talk to me directly anymore or hang out. She even hung out with someone she told me she didn't like just not to hang out with me. I don't see anything wrong in me, other people hang out, but she just said recently "you're not popular" or some other bs like that which isn't exactly true. im popular enough, but not at the peak were the girls are just super mean, which is where my friend is almost at. i wanna become friends with her again, but not anymore for real friendship. i just want popularity and a partner for the class, but she can't know that. Very very recently she asked my friend to ask me what i thought of her, and i said "i've been here before and im not saying anything. i don't like falling for the same mistake twice" because at the start of the second quarter, she tricked me into writing what i thought of a certain girl, and then im pretty sure she gave it to her to read and then a whole bunch of people began to hate me. HELP. oh ya, and any tips on popularity would be great!
--I honestly don't think you've two known each other long enough for you to consider her a real friend so soon (in my opinion).. Most "popular" girls are the kind of girls to act nice to your face and pretend to be your friend and then talk behind your back while they think you won't realize it.. and make fun of you and tell other people about your personal things that they'd think they could get a good laugh over with someone else.. They tend to start a lot of drama and stuff because a lot of them like to gossip ALL the time..

--They also like to cause drama.. take what you said for example, "she tricked me into writing what i thought of a certain girl, and then im pretty sure she gave it to her to read and then a whole bunch of people began to hate me" -- that's her trying to start drama if she did actually give that girl the note... and she seems like she's quite a b*tch by pretty much saying "you aren't popular enough to be my friend" and then talking constantly to other people about you behind your back unkindly..

> I know the thought of being popular might be the best thing in the world.. but it isn't. With popularity, there's a lot of drama and gossiping that goes along with it.. it will cause a lot of trouble to you and others.. Also, why keep track of so many unimportant people in your life?
>If you want to become "popular" like she is, then you most likely are gonna turn into a hateful, unkind person like her.. I've seen it happen with a lot of girls who became "popular".
>Be yourself.. If she doesn't like it, then she can suck it up. You're better than her. You don't need a "friend" who calls you unpopular and talks badly about you all the time,. Don't just consider someone a friend right off the bat, you have to actually get to know the person over time personally, THEN you can eventually consider them a friend or not. Friends are people who are suppose to SUPPORT you and LOVE you for being YOURSELF.. You don't need that so-called "friend" that you're explaining about here.. drop her and find a REAL friend, there are plenty more people you can meet that won't mistreat you like she does. If you wanna be her friend again, she isn't gonna change the way she treated you before, just saying. Things won't be any better with her.
>STOP WORRYING ABOUT BEING POPULAR.. Be yourself and be thankful for the people you have in your life now.. The number of friends you have doesn't matter... it's the REAL friends you have that matter.. They're the one's that'll stay by your side and love you for who you are.
>Learn about the person or study them... Like -- think about how they treat you and others, what they say about people, if they're honest, if they're an over-all nice person or very mean person. You want to be friends with nice and honest people, not mean and dishonest people.
>I'm not a "popular" person, but I am at the same time.. I don't hang out with every person I meet or consider every person I talk to a "friend", but a lot of people know me even though I don't really know most of them.. I have plenty of close friends that I've known and stayed with for years, even since elementary school.. I use to think being popular would be great, but then I thought about how much of a trouble it would be.. I'm very happy with myself and with the amount of friends I have.. I mean, it's nice to have people to talk to that aren't necessarily friends, but friendship doesn't revolve around being popular.

**And don't get me wrong, there are also a lot of nice popular girls out there, it's just that you'll most likely spot out the mean ones out of all of them.. I'm not trying to hate on all popular girls.. lol.

~Sorry for typing a bunch and if I caused offence or something like that, that's just my opinions and advice. I hope I helped out some.
