How to fix a 1990 Ford EA Falcon Handbrake?


May 30, 2008
Ok, my handbrake started to slip a few months ago, as in it didnt grip when i put the handbrake on. I could push the car while the handbrake was on. So we tightened the handbrake from the bolt under the driver seat. after a few weeks the problem happened again, and we tightened it agen, etc etc, it happened agen, etc etc same thing every couple of weeks.
So we change the read DISC brake pads, but i read that the handbrake might be operated by a drum brake on the inner side of the disc?? anyone know if that a fact for EA's or is it a diff model that uses that?
Now that there new pads, i think its tighter, but still, i can push the car with the handbrake is on.
I read on a site there's another way to adjust it, but it didnt say how. I can't find any useful forum posts, so can someone direct me to one or explain how to fix it ??

please help???