How to help my sister believe in Jesus Christ again?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Long story short:
Growing up in a Christian home she was very innocent and strong believer in Christ, in 1999 when she was only 13 two men molested and raped her while walking from school, she kept it a secret for 2 years until the death of our mother she opened up, my father a ministry leader in church tried to help her heal the wound of her memory from that day.
Now she’s 24 years old lives alone as a erotic dancer at a club, and her life is filled with sin, I know for a fact those two men just didn't violate her body they took her faith. As her older brother I keep in contact with her and asked her about her faith in Christ and she’s seems confused, angry at the world her heart filled with rage and hate, every day she contemplates of killing herself but says something makes her change her mind, she says she doesn’t believe in Christ as our Lord and Savior because he should of protected her that day of the incident and says He doesn’t love her.

So my question is how can I make her believe in Jesus Christ again? How do I make her see that our Lord and Savior does love her and how do I answer her question as a follower in Christ why didn’t God protect her that day of her incident?

Thank you for any help.
I can sympathise with your situation, as something similar happened to my sister.

The first thing you have to realize is that you can't make her believe. It is God who works faith. The first thing and only thing you can do is pray for her, and also ask God for strength and wisdom for when you talk to her.
It took my sister many years and she did come back. I'm not promising the same result, but asking that you put it in the hands of God and trust in Him.
Remember prayer moves the hand that moves the world.
I agree with her. If a loving and benevolent God was watching over her then it would never have happened. So there are only two possibilities: there is no God or there is a God and he's an evil douche-bag.
Don't force her, not even bring it up unless she does. Just be there for her. The more you push the more she will fight. Given time she will make up her own mind one way or the other. Until then just be there for her when she needs you.
I can sympathise with your situation, as something similar happened to my sister.

The first thing you have to realize is that you can't make her believe. It is God who works faith. The first thing and only thing you can do is pray for her, and also ask God for strength and wisdom for when you talk to her.
It took my sister many years and she did come back. I'm not promising the same result, but asking that you put it in the hands of God and trust in Him.
Remember prayer moves the hand that moves the world.
i have been in the same far as rape and molestation goes..and you need to talk to her...and tell her God does love her...and she doesnt kill herself because the holy spirit is in her..i used to want to die all the time.i would cut on myself but could never bring myself to actually do it right..
I think God was there with her when it happened..holding her could have been much worse..she could have been killed,,did that happen no..cuz God was with her...sometimes in this world we have to go thru somethings..some bad...and very a test of faith..He didnt leave her..obviously God has a plan for her..thats why she is still here...he never left her..and he is still with he is with me..and you and all of us...
tell her that Jesus loves her..and he was there when it happened..and thats why she is alive..
you know the devil is powerful and can get into people and thats why we have rapist and murderers ect...but the Lord never leaves us,,, may seem that way for some people but he doesnt..he is always there always watching...always listening..
i think your poor sister was just so traumatized by it all...
but I'm sure she will come back to you all..just have faith and keep trying to break down that wall..perhaps trying to get her back into the church least one time..may be enough
You can't help her without a formal load of training in psychology or psychiatry. Her problem is that it is religion that failed her, so pushing religion back at her without addressing the other issues will just push her away even farther than she is now.

If she won't seek formal medical help, you can do nothing except love her and accept her for what she is. Do not condemn her because the rape was clearly not her choice. Failing to quickly address that incident didn't help any either. I cannot offer you a religiously based solution because that would be the wrong answer for her at this time. It might or might not be a better answer after the other issues are addressed. Nobody can say for sure.
I agree with her. If a loving and benevolent God was watching over her then it would never have happened. So there are only two possibilities: there is no God or there is a God and he's an evil douche-bag.
try emotional manipulation. first make her feel bad about herself. then offer a way out through jesus. it will be for her own good.
Love her unconditionally and pray for her constantly. Let God do the rest. John 10:28-30. The Holy Spirit will lead her back into a closer walk with her Father in Heaven. God's grace is amazing.
you pray for her. Tell her you pray for her. Offer to pay for Christian Counseling. A lot of young women go through some kind of rebellion but your sister has emotional reasons, so a lot of prayer is needed.

Set the example. Ask for people to pray alongside you. God is going to have to do most of the work on her heart himself but God wants you to ask and dedicate yourself
She has enough problems in life without you pushing this fantasy God on her. Just be her brother instead of her Christian cheerleader.
You have to let her figure that out for herself. You have to understand that she (much like yourself) was RAISED as a Christian. In other words, she NEVER had a choice as to what to believe. You may say she did but if you only knew how easily kids are influenced...its scary. Its also one of the reasons why the church encourages bringing kids in. Let her live her life and perhaps you should think about the reasons why you believe as well. Take it from an ex christian, it'll be the best thing you ever did.
Jeffery, I think your picture is sexy. and leave your sister alone. let her be. they only thing you should worry about as a brother is her safety @the club.