How to Impress Clients by Greeting Christmas E-Card?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Christmas season comes together with the biggest shopping season! It is an opportunity that most of the merchants gain innumerable profits during the time. And the past successful experience demonstrated that the Christmas business greeting e-card is an essential knack to boom Christmas sales. It impresses clients and then brings the vendors large profits during the shopping season.


The Importance of business greeting Christmas e-card:
Greeting Christmas e-card is a cost-efficient promotional tool. Almost all of the merchants choose the convenient greeting Christmas cards to convince potential clients or customers, to advertise holiday discounts and product information, and establish long relationship with clients, or to build trustworthy company image. So how can you properly send out Christmas e-card and make full use of it?

Some tips of sending business greeting Christmas e-card to impress your potential customers:
Generally speaking, create a greeting Christmas e-card of high quality. A high-quality greeting e-card embodies your good service, qualified products and reliable company image. At least, customers who receive the greeting Christmas card will be impressed by your excellence.


--Tip 1: a good title for your greeting Christmas e-card.
As we know, a good tile is the half of a successful article. You can name the title by brief memorable greeting words, biggest and thrilling discount information, or some other extraordinary words.

--Tip 2: make a perfect balance between greeting Christmas and informing promotional news in Christmas message.
All the time, the sincerer a greeting Christmas e-card is, the more effective a greeting e-card will impress your clients. So keep focus on sending wishes and Merry Christmas, it's valuable.

Tip 3: take a unique and attractive Christmas e-card to captivate clients' eyeballs.
You may have heard of flipping or animated Christmas card, which is an innovative and new card that everyone loves. It's an amazing e-card that beautiful flash flips, cute page-flipping effect shines, and 3D dynamic dances. As the majority of online clients are youngsters and internet lovers, therefore, 3D page-flipping greeting Christmas e-card is widely welcomed by them. You can take the trend to boom business.

Tip 4: use beautiful pictures, artistic e-card templates and melodious music to attract your clients. People love pictures because it's more intuitive and realistic. Match your discounted products with vivid pictures, or embed nice-looking Christmas pictures with heartwarming messages, then the discounts can be more convincible during the shopping season.


Some tools of designing impressive and high quality greeting Christmas e-card?
Free tools: of course, we have some free tools for designing Christmas e-cards, such as Free Christmas Card Maker, Photo Card Maker, MyCardMaker, Online Christmas Card Maker and so forth. But these free Christmas card makers are limited to few templates and functions; it's difficult to work out some unique and characteristic greeting Christmas e-cards.

Paid but excellent card maker:
Kvisoft Flipbook Maker is a user-friendly and intuitive tool in creating page-flipping and animated Christmas e-card. It allows you easily to embed music, flash, animations, and pictures for e-card without any knowledge of programming scripts. As people's feedbacks said, "we love the way when e-card comes out". Trial download place: Kvisoft Flip Book Maker - PDF to Flash Page Flip Software.