How to introduce my 8 month old cat to my new 2 week old kitten?


New member
Jun 8, 2008
I didn't know I was supposed to wait at least a week to introduce my 8 month old cat to my new 3 week old kitten, now the cat is bulling the kitten! Is there anything I can do to help them to get along or make the introduction a little easier?
Well, in my experience, you need the kitten to be weened off the mother, most often if your 8 month old cat is a girl, she will have the motherly instinct to want to clean the kitten and nurture it. Other times, it's not that the 8 month old is bullying the kitten, they're just playing.
First of all, why did you get such a young kitten!! A kitten isn't weened from its mother for at least 6 to 8 weeks or at least needs that time to be with its mother for nurturing. I would take the kitten back to the mother if you can until he or she is ready to leave and be able to at least fend for itself....if the kitten has claws I wouldn't worry about it will most likely take care of itself.