how to introduce my new kitten to my mean cat?


New member
Jun 22, 2008
my cat was never mean to us. she was the sweetest ragdoll ever. but we brought this kitty home for her and she hates him:( she growls and hisses. we didnt put them together but only through a crack in the door. how to i introduce them correctly? i know thorugh a crack in the door, his own litter and food...but any other tips? thanks! my cat is 6 months this kitty is 8 weeks.
well the reason that your cat hates the new kitten is because she feels as if he is on her territory the correct way to get them is to leave the new cat in the cat carrier in a room and let the the other get used to its sent....also try to give your cat as much attention as possible wile the kitten is around.
Sorry, cats are gonna be cats. You're screwed. Either the pipsqueak can stand up for itself or it's cat chow. I'd get rid of it if things dont mellow out on their own.