How to make less of a noise when you go to the toilet

That is actually repulsive....I now know that i shouldn't touch people's hands untill i know them really well - well enough to know that they're not like you!!
Apparently, if you feel a toilet fart brewing, you have to pull your bum-cheeks apart and it wont make a noise, but my friend said that he tried this and it actually made it louder,also if you're taking a dump, you should put toilet paper in the bowl before you start and it will just make a thud sound rather than a plop sound.
This is why I always have a sandwich bag with me. Take the poo home in your pocket! No noise, no mess! :yes: Just don't make the mistake of forgetting it in your pocket for a few days. :no:
:eek: i hope you are not being serious. That is gross.

You could just sing, then no one will hear you **** :D
but guys all this sound removal? what about the smell? and the time it takes? don't you feel suspicious if you take longer on the toilet than normal?
I aim for the porcelain so people dont hear me.
Am I alone in that?

Only for No.1's obviously though.
I think they would rather hear the **** than you sing ;)

I do mines in the shower, I turn it on then everytime one thuds out I say, "Whoops, thank god im not in a prison", [think about it] then continue. Then I use the towel so that theres no noise from the ripping of toilet roll. Or I eat fast food so it runs down my legs.