How to meet the girl at work.?


May 13, 2008
Just as of lately, I noticed this girl who works at the same place I do, only she works on a different department. I came across her because she accidentally got in my way (because our lockers are next to each other) and because id never seen her in my life before, i didn't really look to her either i just quickly said "s'okay" and brushed it off. I then saw her again later on that day, walking past me, and then later on she came in the canteen and sat down, she looked at me twice from across the canteen, i looked back. This was the first time i saw her face properly and the first thing i thought is, "Wow. I've got to know this girl." Im not that big on confidence, but im determined to get to know her. Yeah, i fear rejection or if i went up to her the conversation would die. I don't know whether I should go up to my locker as she's at hers and say "wow, busy day today at work" and try something from there, or just be frontal and go "Hi im so and so, i saw you around etc etc i want to get to you know, you seem very nice" Is she gonna see me as another typical boy if i do that? All i know is ive got to meet this girl, there is no doubt about it.

I appreciate all the help!
Just introduce yourself when you're at the locker together! And be sweet and charming- no girl likes a snob.