How to not let the rumors get to you?


New member
Jun 23, 2008
At school people are saying things about me and I'm not sure exactly what there saying but it's starting to get pretty annoying always hearing people say "that's the guy" when I walk by and having people give me weird looks. All I'm trying to do is just be another face in the crowd, that's all I've ever tried to be, but people just won't let me. I had to stand up for myself against a prof that was trying to boss me around and talk down to me and when I did stand up for myself in a non violent and appropriate way (I refused to move to another seat) :I get the cops called on me. I ended up not getting into trouble but that's when all of this gossip rumor stuff started so I think its related to that. I don't see what the big deal is In my mind I was right but even if I was wrong what is the big deal, so what? I mean who cares, right? I feel so small like an amoeba; like I'm less than a person; just something for people to talk about. I wished people wouldn't be so disrespectful and treat me better. What is something I can do? Do you think it will just eventually go away; people will forget?