How to not look like a rookie weed smoker?


May 11, 2008
I'm the type of person that will research everything belted tryin it, so I wasn't scared of Mary J, but me being the idiot I am, heard my friend say right before the first bowl, "wait, maybe we should get some water." and I said "where does the water go then?" we were smoking from a pipe so I made myself look soooo stupid! I do know there is no water needed for certain types of pipes, but I've always been an door and did not realize it was for cotton mouth. I HATE cotton mouth! And also, I feel the same high when taking a hit, hold 3 seconds, and exhale, but I hear a lot to hold it in till u can't no more. I heard it is not necessary to do that though. And how do YOU take better hits (no cough) smooth hits? Happy hitting!
I've been told you aren't supposed to inhale the smoke straight into your lungs. Inhale the smoke into your mouth only -- THEN take a breath in. This way instead of having pure smoke in your lungs, it's smoke mixed with air so it's not so harsh on your lungs.