How to open back cover of a new Samsung Tocco Lite (S5230)?

open samsung tocco lite

hold face down in left palm, camera towards you. Place back of left hand against inside left knee.

then place right palm on back casing, held tight by inside of right knee.

push downwards with right arm, while pushing inwards with right knee.

hard, but not too hard.

Thanks for the tips. Just received my tocco lite and like so many of you guys I couldn't get the back off, I only tried twice because I was so scared of breaking it. Looked on here for some help a:big laugh::big laugh:
Using your palm really works, came off straightaway. Tanks for the tip and thanks for the laughs!!
Tried for ages then hubby suggested wearing margold/washing up gloves. Did this and with palm of hand it worked in seconds!!!! Must be the grippy fingers!:big laugh:

its fucking retarded why make it so difficult i use the palm of my hand and it flew off i was spending ages with my fingers lol
Ridiculous. If it hadn't been for the tips on here, and the knowledge that I was not alone, I may have done something very silly and horribly violent with my Tocco.
Happily, the palm method (fap) worked a treat. That comment clearly saved me the two hours everyone else wasted.
sat for ages trying ...just push hard towards camera with your palm

just put the palm of your hand over and push, its easy.. dont try with fingers, took me hours lol! great phone once thats done :)

Yes, "just put the palm of your hand over and push". It works. Thanks a lot. I was loosing my nerves.
Have struggled for hours to open it using my fingers, but now it's so easy with the palm of my hand... wish I'd known that hours ago!
F.....g cover

Hi all

finally got cover off - followed all info given - nada!! Watched video - very informative but - nada!!!! Finally went and got Marigolds out (sometimes use this trick to open stubborn jamjars) and - BINGO. Cover now off and about to fit battery and sim card.

Thanks all - follow instructions given on this site BUT don't forget the Marigolds.
tocco delight

Push really rerally hard and firmly with a big fat thumb right on the end with the arrow. and it will come off, it took me about an hour!!
Finallyt got it !!!

I tried for hours, called the vendor who advised to push harder. Pushing didnt help either with finger or palm.

I used my lower front tooth to push it and it clicked open