How to persuade my dad to let me get a smartphone!!! HELPPP?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Haii i'm a 15 year old girl and i really want a new phone. i really want the Samsung continuum from Verizon wireless, but my dad wont let me have it because he dosent want to pay for the $30 a month data packaging. So i got a job that pays $120 a month but he still wont let me get it!!!!!!!!! Please give me points about the phone that are beneficial to my schoolwork or just something that shows its more than just a fun phone!!! THANKSS!!
to the first answer

If you need help in class, you consult a book, not the internet.

If you cant get a signal, there are still plenty of places on earth that will allow you to use their land line without charging you.

No teenager has email that important that they need to check it that often.

I stand by the answer I gave when you asked this earlier. Teenagers do not need smart phones. There really is just no point. Its another reason to slack off in school, nothing more.
I just had the same problem with my mother! I decided to get my own plan with (ATT) and I have never been happier.

You could say:
It can help you in class when you need assistance.
What if your phone or text doesnt work, you could email him!
If your computer crashes, you could use your phone to check your mail