How to put movies onto iTunes/Itouch?


May 22, 2008
I was wondering how do you put movies on to itunes and your ipod touch?
i have 3.36gb of room on itouch and the video is 369mb with the format file mp4.
i have placed the video into the library already and when i try to sync it to my ipod it says the following: are you sure you want to sync movies? all existing songs, movies, tv shows on the ipod will be removed and replaced with movies in your itunes library. What should i do?
Is this the first time you've synced movies to your iPod? This is a default message from iTunes as a warning for new syncs, so it may be picking up that it is a new device. I'd make sure you have everything that's on your iPod on your computer before doing anything.. But you should be all set to sync. It will overwrite anything that's already on your iPod along with adding anything new.

Again, it's just a default safety message.
Is this the first time you've synced movies to your iPod? This is a default message from iTunes as a warning for new syncs, so it may be picking up that it is a new device. I'd make sure you have everything that's on your iPod on your computer before doing anything.. But you should be all set to sync. It will overwrite anything that's already on your iPod along with adding anything new.

Again, it's just a default safety message.
It means your iPod does not have enough room to store all the movies on iTunes AND the songs you have already. You could try clicking yes and then going to the movies tab under the Devices section of iTunes, and checking/unchecking the specific movies you want to sync.