How To Put Ringtones On Samsung Intensity(telus)?


May 19, 2008
I just got the samsung intensity and i want to put ringtones on it but i cant. I have tried ventones and it sends me the link but when i open it it lets me play it but not download it and when i text it to my self and does not say save to ringtones. I have a miro sd card but i dont know were to put it and i dont even know if it will work. I have tried Mp3 and Wave.

I need HELP!!!!!
Phone Zoo does not support telus
k seriously?
samsung intensity sucks ! ive tried to put ringtones on my phone numerous times now, and its screwed me over. i refuse to pay $4.00 a ringtone when im going to get tired of it within a week.
ive tried bluetooth, websites, and sd cards, nothing puts it as a ringtone !
i feel your pain man, i suggest to get a new phone !