How to remove tesco contact list from LG KS360?


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove the entries in my contact list of my Tesco Mobile LG KS3360. There is a few extra contacts, things like voicemail on, Clubcard, bundles etc. I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove these for good, as if you try to delete them normally, they re-appear next time the phone is tuned on. Many Thanks.
If the Tesco contacts appear at the top of your phonebook list, edit your contacts by putting a ! at the beginning of each one and then the Tesco stuff will appear at the end. It's time consuming, but only needs doing once. A quicker solution, if you just want say half a dozen favourite contacts at the top, is to put !A at the beginning of each, and the Tesco junk will then just move lower down, but not all the way to the bottom. You may find this method acceptable if you have a quick search facility rather than scrolling, for your remaining contacts.