How to scream like oliver sykes from bring me the horizon?

Neil89 is so right! Thanks man, that really helped.

Well, everyone, long story short...

> Drink plenty of warm tea with honey AND water on a regular basis
> Sing along to a good song that doesn't involve any screaming for a good 10 to 15 minutes to warm up your vocal cords
> Be sure NOT to do any inhale screaming because that WILL screw up your throat, period
> Stay away from soda or you will have to go without screaming for a good 3 to 5 weeks
> If your throat is strained and hurts during screaming, you must rethink your technique and stop for a while as to not cause your throat or voice any more damage.
thanks neal89
i am just starting to
but for the question
dont scream if it hurts i cant stress that enough
its what happened to matt shadows
also what the zen of screaming
its on youtube

dude that is not wat happened to m shadows when he came out with sounding the seventh trumpet he decided he didnt wat to scream anymore but he was going to make an album that was half screaming and half singing Waking The Fallen then all singing City Of Evil. watch the all access DVD and you will know what u r talking about.
u cant say "stop if it hurts",Because it must hurt first few days maybe weeks,becaus your throat is not made to scream.
i cant scream to save my life but i would like to learn but i just think it takes loads of practice and what ive read it is dangerous if u do it wrong it could fuck ur vocal cords up so make sure u take proper advice and make sure u push ur self and good luck :stop glass: