How to start a manual car?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
What is the best way to start a manual car...I just started learning and I stalled a few times...any tips to help my learning out...if you have any other tips on manual cars feel free to give them I need all the help I can get...please help
hit the gas a little bit and let off the clutch real slow, try starting on a downward slope so that the car is already moving
let out on the clutch until you feel it grab when that happens the car will start to creep forward. just keep the rpm's up a little bit higher than it runs at idle.
over rev the engine as you pull off in 1st gear, but release the clutch nice and easy.

if in doubt, or about to stall, just ram your foot on the clutch, its not going to speed up, just controls it.