How to tell the sex of a betta fish?

the males have long tales (except plakats)
females have short tales
sometimes. sometimes they will fight or sometimes they wont
yes if the male is ready
Males have very fancy long tails....
Females have short tails......

Yes, you can put a male and female together....
Do not put 2 males together they will fight to the death!
Males are the ones with the big fancy fins. Females are the little tiny ones that kinda look like fined tadpoles.

No you cannot put them in a tank together, he will kill her.

You can only put them together when the male is ready to breed. You can tell he's ready when he makes a nest of hundreds of tiny little bubbles at the top of the tank. Breeding takes seconds, after which remove her immediately.
males are color ful and females are brown you can put a female and male together but if it is not time to breed then they will kill each other! my suggjestion is to leave that to a proffesional! the breeding!