how to write a good introduction for my romeo and juliet essay?


May 27, 2008
i have to write an essay about why juliets family was responsible for the death of romeo and juliet this is my thesis sentence: The family is to blame for Juliet and Romeo’s death because of their grudge, their plan to marry Juliet to Paris, and their haste.

but i need something to go before that... any ideas? i need like a good hook or what to talk about! HELP!
you dont really somehting big for ur intro, the intro just BEING there is engouh (except if its a speech) just state what ur going to talk about in this essay ( i know, its the old boring lines but no one ever found another one so... and teachers usually skim the intro)
The names Romeo and Juliet are synonymous with tragic love affairs and interfering families. Ever since Shakespeare first created the Montagues and Capulets we have linked feuding families to the failure of young love's dream. It is this feud that is partly to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. That combined with ....

Hope that is of some help
Search for a good wisdom quote and put it in the beginning..
This grabs the reader's attention...(hook)
& then after having the quote, explain how it relates to Romeo & Juliet and the definition of the quote.
No first person.