How would I go about completing this PC (I'm a PC building newbie)?


New member
Aug 22, 2010

I'm going to add a 1.5 terabyte hard drive and DVD burner, but what else is needed? Do I need a video card and sound card? or does this combo have one? What are the remaining components I need to buy?

Would I also be able to upgrade this to say, a core i5 processor down the line?

Thanks for any help =] I can't wait to get started.
I don't play any PC games (except those really casual ones like Family Feud); I do edit HD videos though, so I would I need a graphics card for that?
Yeah; I have Windows 7 that I'd install.
You need an operating system and a video card but other than that you're good. You will be able to upgrade to an i5 or i7 down the line as long as its socket 1156.
you odnt need 1.5 TB, loose .5 and the cash just upgrade ur processor i7 if you can.. or video card? or better cooling system.?!