How young is too young?

that's what i love bout teanage girls, i keep gettin older, they keep stayin the same age
Well we are on the young girl Pedo topic, lets guess how old this one is


and i believe the new phrase on the streets is "Old enough to scream, old enough to cream"
Naa, 14 at least.

Question for the OP: will she be 16 before you're 18? Because 15 to 18 is pushing it a little. But not that much.
Attention, all of you who are still underage, FUCK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. That jailbait shit is the bomb. Get it while it's good.
depends where you are. each state has different laws. If you're 18 or older, you really need to be careful. if you're under the age of 18 its gonna be harder to get a felony for it...
some states have closeness of age laws that negate the typical definition of statutory rape. For example, in Colorado - if she's 15-16 she can legally "be" with someone no more than three years older, if she's 17 she can legally be with someone up to 10 years older, and if she's 18, she can marry the worlds oldest man and pork him like there's no such thing as Judaism.

BUT dont take my word for anything - look it up yourself, and if you're not sure then dont mess around with it. you're really only going to get in trouble if her parents turn you in. If you fuck her, and break up with her some time after, be ready for the shit to hit the fan. Girls at that age will be MEGA clingy about that stuff. She might say you raped her or convinced her to have sex.. it might be really hard to prove but you're gonna endu p with one helllluva headache

look up the laws, if you dont find anything in black and white, dont mess around or you might be saying hullo to bubba.