How's the book of mormon?

It is a book that was invented by a pathological liar Joseph Smith in New York. He found this magical gold plated book in his backyard but only he could see it and read what the pages said through his special glasses. He then made a huge religious cult and was kicked out of several states ending up in Utah. He had many wives, in which many were teenagers. He then died in a gun battle when he tried escaping out of jail. Now it's a huge "religion" in the U.S. Members are even required to give 10% of their yearly earnings to the church and are told when they can retire. Oh ya, and when they die they get their own planet with magical powers.
It an interesting book. It was written by prophets of olden times, and translated by Joseph Smith. It takes place the same time as the bible just in central America. It tells of heroic stories and people such as. Nephi and Moroni. I think its a lot more entertaining then the Bible! If you're researching all sorts of religion its the perfect book to read. It opens your eyes to different possibilities. People will tell you to stay away but you will only know if you try yourself. People hate Mormons for one reason or another, mostly because we're different and for past things, but we're normal for the part! Look into it for yourself!